In this study,we prepared GdZn2 by mechanical alloying method and measured its magnetization to reveal the magnetic and magnetocaloric properties.For a milling time (MT) ≥ 10 and 20 h,the GdZn2 phase was confirmed by X-ray diffraction measurements.For MT=40 and 60 h,amorphous like patterns are observed.For MT =10 and 20 h,magnetization (M) as a function of temperature below 80 K shows ferromagnetic-like increase.The observed values of M are 4.5 μB at 5 K for MT =10 and 20 h,which is smaller than that of the theoretical expected value of 7 μB.For MT =40 and 60 h,the long-range ferromagnetic order collapses because there is no spontaneous magnetization.The value of AT,where△T is the full width at half maximum of the magnetic entropy change (ASm (T)),increases significantly for MT ≤ 20 h because of the gradual release of magnetic entropy by the milling effect.Since M decreases with increasing MT,the maximum values of |△Sm|,the relative cooling power,and the refrigerant ca-pacity also decreases.