<正> 英美社会风俗中迷信和禁忌这方面的知识一般介绍不多,然而作为英语学习者又不能不知道。有鉴于此,特将英美社会中常见的迷信说法和禁忌介绍如下: 1.To get out of bed on the wrong side means you will have a bad day.下床方向错了,一天都不会顺利。 2.It is unlucky to have a black cat cross the road in front of you.看见黑猫在你面前横穿马路是不吉利的。 3.The bride should not see the husband on the morning before the wedding. 在婚礼前一天早上,新娘不应见自己的丈夫。 4.The bride should be carried across the doorstep. (新郎)应把新娘抱过门槛。 5.Cattle lying down indicate rain.牲口躺下证明有雨。 6.A cricket in the house is good luck. 屋里有只蟋蟀会带来好运。 7.A horseshoe nailed over the door brings good luck.