Importance of Momentum Dependence Interaction on Isospin Effects of Two-body Collisions
Importance of Momentum Dependence Interaction on Isospin Effects of Two-body Collisions
The following quantity can be used to describe nuclear stopping in HIC.The transverse-parallel ratio of momentum R given by R=(2/π)(∑_i~A |P⊥(i)|)/(∑_i~A|P_‖(i)|).Here the total mass A is the sum of the projectile mass A_p and the target mass Values of the transverse and parallel components of the momentum of the i-th nucleon are P⊥(i)=P_x(i)~2+P_y(i~2~(1/2 and ‖P_(i)=P_z(i),respectively.To study the roles of themomentum dependent interaction on the nuclear stopping due to the coupling between the isosp...