AIM: To evaluate the therapeutic effects of Gamichunggantang (GCT) on hyperlipidemia through high cholesteroldiet model. GCT is an Oriental herbal medication, which has been used for the treatment of fatty liver, hyperlipi-demia or alcoholic liver disease in Daejeon University Oriental Hospital, Korea since 1999. METHODS:Rats werefed with high cholesterol diet for 4 weeks and GCT was administrated for 2 weeks from 2 weeks later in experi-mental days. The levels of serum total cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, and triglyceride were analyzed every week.Absolute and relative liver weight to body, and histophathological changes were determined at last day. And, lipidmetabolism-related gene expressions (ACAT and DGAT) in liver tissue were analyzed by using RT-PCR. RESULTS:In GCT group, TG levels were reduced at 3 and 4 weeks after GCT administration (39.4 %, P<0.05 and 36.3 %,P<0.01 respectively). Total cholesterol levels also were reduced at 3 weeks (20.5 %, P<0.05) and 4 weeks (35.86 %,P<0.01) after GCT administration, but HDL-cholesterol levels were increased significantly (P<0.05) at 3 weeks(14.7 %) and 4 weeks (25.5 %) compared with hyperlipidemia-induced group without GCT. In the GCT treatedgroup, liver weight was lower and lipid accumulation was decreased in histological finding. ACAT gene expressionwas suppressed compared with hyperlipidemia-induced group but not DGAT. CONCLUSION: GCT possessespreventive or therapeutic effects on diet-induced hyperlipidemia by inhibiting the intestinal absorption and storage ofexogenous and endogenous cholesterol.