The research of culture teaching in ELT refers mainly tothree aspects: the necessity to teach, what to teach and how toteach. This article reviews briefly the process of development ofcultural studies and introduces the relation between culture andELT, indicating the importance of culture teaching in ELT inChina. It also states the contents of cultural communicationinformation, analyses some pragmatic errors that may appear,and further expounds that the final objective is to achieve thelanguage acquisition of English-learners through cultureteaching. In the early stage of language teaching, under theinfluence of formalism and structuralism, cultural studies wererestricted to the edge of English language teaching, and theresearch of linguistics and literature developed respectively intwo relatively parallel lines. Later, anthropology and sociologybegan to influence linguistic theory and language teaching.Since the 1990s, cultural studies have been discussed morefrequently, and there is regained interest and understanding inEnglish language teaching and research. Our English languagecurriculum has especially accepted culture teaching as one of theobjectives in language teaching.