Improving learners' intercultural communicativecompetence has been acknowledged to be the major goal ofcurrent English Language Teaching (ELT) in China. Yet, noconsensus has been reached even today on the definition ofIntercultural Communicative Competence (ICC). The author ofthis paper proposes her understanding of ICC and points out tha tthe key element of fostering our learners' ICC lies in improvingtheir social-cultural competence, towards which three feasiblesteps are further illustrated : getting an inside view of the targetculture; getting an outside view of the native culture; seeking athird perspective. Improving learners' intercultural communicativecompetence has been acknowledged to be the major goal ofcurrent English Language Teaching in China. Whatintercultural communicative competence is and how this may beachieved by our English learners have become issues of majorconcern. Addressing these issues, this paper proposes possiblesolutions to the problem.