[篇名 ] 40kW pitch & flap type wind turbine generator system, [ 篇名 ] A design and performance prediction of shrouded wind turbine with brimmed-diffuser, [ 篇名 ] A framework for dynamic and aeroelastic analysis of horizontal axis wind turbines, [篇名] A frequency domain approach to wind turbines for flicker analysis, [ 篇名 ] A hybrid power system with using alternative energy facilities in isolated island, [ 篇名 ] A neuro-fuzzy model for the control operation of a wind-diesel-battery hybrid power system, [ 篇名 ] A new maximum power point tracking control scheme for wind generation, [篇名] A new power stabilization control system based on making use of mechanical inertia of a variable-speed w ind-turbine for stand-alone wind-diesel applications, [篇名 ] A study of a wind farm power system, [ 篇名 ] A STUDY OF STRAIGHT WING VERTICAL AXIS WIND TURBINE GENERATION SYSTEMS (A PEFORMANCE CALCULATION ABOUT STRAIGHT WING VERTICAL AXIS WIND TURBINE), [篇名] Acoustic Emission Monitoring of Field Tests of an Operating Wind Turbine, [ 篇名 ] Acoustic emission monitoring of small wind turbine blades, [ 篇名 ] Aero-acoustic computations of wind turbines, [ 篇名 ] Aerodynamic Loads on a Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine Rotor Exerted by Turbulent Inflow.