The putative scrambling in Korean has intrinsic difficulties due to the lack of driving force for the m ovem ent o f constituents. The Case theory, EPP and Focus Feature, etc. does not support the m ovem ent of the scrambled constituent. The radical LF-reconstruction or the LF-lowering also raises serious questions about the semantics of the m oved constituent. This paper claim s that the putative scrambled constituent should be analyzed as a W ord Order Topic, based on the L exicalist Case H ypothesis which says that the case should be defined on the basis of lexical information, and the Hypothesis of Variable M edial Projection w hich says that the number o f medial projections should be matched with the number of arguments of a predicate. As to the so-called Long Distance Scrambling (LDS), the typical cases considered hitherto to be LDS is not a real LDS, because the object in front of the matrix subject is not a constituent o f the embedded clause, but that of the.matrix clause. As to the embedded constituent in front o f the matrix subject, this paper introduces the principles o f Constituent Affiliation Principle which says that a constituent should be in its own clause, or should be construed to be as if it were in its own clause, and Transparent Verb Principle (TVP) which says that a thinking- or saying-verb functions as if it were nonexistent in certain discoursesyntactic contexts. The typical object o f the so-called LDS that appears in the thinking- or saying-verb construction is on a par with that o f the Short Distance Scrambling (SDS) in virtual structure. In virtual structure, the matrix clause can be seen nonexistent by the TVP and the matrix subject can be seen to function as a parenthetical phrase.