Introduction: Mucinous tubular and spindle cell carcinomas (MTSCC's) are recently described rare type of renal cell carcinoma (RCC). They may have morphological similarities to papillary RCC (papRCC) and in our case to carcinoma collecting ducts of Bellini. Case report: We report a rare case of renal tumor, mucinous tubular and spindle cell carcinoma in a 56-year-old woman. The tumor, located in the left kidney, was well circumscribed. MTSCC's are characterized by small, elongated tubules lined by cuboidal cells and/or cords of spindled cells separated by pale mucinous stroma. Discussion: MTSCC is a rare type of renal cell carcinoma. Pathologists should be aware of the histological spectrum of MTSCCs to ensure an accurate diagnosis. Careful attention to the presence of a spindle cell population may be helpful in the differential diagnosis in tumors with predominant compact tubular growth.