Purpose: To design a seamless healthcare system to provide the elderly in the community of Wuhan city with active, real-time and seamless health services. Method: All of the health services for the elderly in the community of Wuhan city, such as chronic disease management, first aid, and diagnosis have been systematically integrated based on the Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology combined with the existing high-tech, such as nano-sensor, network, information system technology, wireless technology, Bluetooth and Area Position System (APS) positioning. Results: The system has been constructed and put into use, initially achieving seamless health services for the elderly. The majority of both the elderly and healthcare workers are satisfied with the system. Conclusion: The study initially proposes the use of RFID technology to plan and design the elderly healthcare system, and has successfully carried the system out and got positive outcomes. It provides a new direction in the relevant research fields.