Galileo introduced the scientific method, based on observation of natural phenomena, their interpretation and validation on the base of verified results. Albert Einstein broke the pattern of Galilean physics by postulating the invariance of the light speed and arguing that the laws of physics are valid independently of the inertial reference system used, introducing the concept of relativity and proposing a new physics based on four dimensions instead of the three previously known, with the addition of the variable time as the fourth dimension. In this article, we wonder if it is possible to find a methodology, necessarily not conventional, allowing to recognize additional new dimensions. The analysis of the quantization of nature has led us to hypothesize the use of irrational numbers in a ratio as a detector for any new dimension. A series of conjectures can bring us to imagine a scenario following the Big Bang with the creation of orthogonal matter, allowing us to find a seemingly plausible explanation to some unanswered questions of the contemporaneous physics. Under these hypotheses, it is possible to give two not conventional interpretations about gravity and light. The article prefers the logic explanation of the phenomena to their quantification through mathematics, reserving this last one only where it is necessary to clear the concept.