Tubular adenomas, also called “pure adenomas”, are uncommon benign lesions of the breast which is characterized histologically by a circumscribed mass consisting of prominent lobular proliferation and closely packed small ducts with minimal supporting stroma [1] [2]. These uniformly sized ducts are lined by single layers of epithelium and myoepithelium. They mainly appear in young women, rarely occurring in the elderly?[1]?[3]-[5]. Tubular adenoma must be differentiated from other benign lesions (fibroadenoma) and from malignant breast cancer (tubular carcinoma). Preoperative diagnosis is often difficult, but the histologic diagnosis of tubular adenoma would be an acceptable diagnosis after needle core biopsy. Both radiologic and cytohistologic examinations performed before surgery may be not diagnostic and surgical excision is necessary in order to reach a precise diagnosis and a definitive treatment. We report a case of tubular adenoma of the breast in a 62-year-old woman preoperatively diagnosed as a breast tubular adenoma by Ultrasuond-guided core biopsy.