In a previous JMP article published May 2013, a comprehensive calculation was presented for all properties of a number of long-life s-state Gailitis resonances lying just above the PS(n = 2) formation threshold in a positron-Hydrogen scattering system. The six open-channel calculation was carried out by solving a set of four hundred thousand coupled linear equations. The modified Faddeev equation was used to obtain the wave-amplitude for each of the six open channels. Details can be found in reference [1] 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F005200650066003400300037003200380034003600370034000000 . This note presents some qualitative properties of Gailitis resonances in the scattering systems of d + tu just above the thresholds of the opening of a new channel of the muonic atoms tu(n) or du(n), n > 2 is the principal quantum number. u is a negatively charged muon, d and t are the nuclei of the two isotopes of the Hydrogen atom with one and two neutrons in the nucleus respectively. We study the possible decay channels of some of the long-life Gailitis resonances. Of particular interest is a transition directly from a Gailitis (3-body) resonance to the bound states dtu molecular ions via a radiative emission of a photon or an external auger ejection of a nearby electron. Possible experimental evidence will be presented.