Intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) is a very complexpathology, with many different not fully elucidatedetiologies and prognostics. It is the most severe subtypeof stroke, with high mortality and morbidity rates.Unfortunately, despite the numerous promising preclinicalassays including neuroprotective, anti-hypertensive,and anti-inflammatory drugs, to this moment onlysymptomatic treatments are available, motivating thesearch for new alternatives. In this context, stem celltherapy emerged as a promising tool. However, morethan a decade has passed, and there is still much to belearned not only about stem cells, but also about ICHitself, and how these two pieces come together. To date,rats have been the most widely used animal model inthis research field, and there is much more to be learnedfrom and about them. In this review, we first summarizeICH epidemiology, risk factors, and pathophysiology. Wethen present different methods utilized to induce ICHin rats, and examine how accurately they represent thehuman disease. Next, we discuss the different typesof stem cells used in previous ICH studies, also takinginto account the tested transplantation sites. Finally, wesummarize what has been achieved in assays with stemcells in rat models of ICH, and point out some relevantissues where attention must be given in future efforts.