The Poisson-Laplace equation is a working and acceptable equation of gravitation which is mostly used or applied in its differential form in Magneto-Hydro-Dynamic (MHD) modelling of e.g. molecular clouds. From a general relativistic standpoint, it describes gravitational fields in the region of low spacetime curvature as it emerges in the weak field limit. For non-static gravitational fields, this equation is not generally covariant. On the requirements of general covariance, this equation can be extended to include a time-dependent component, in which case one is led to the Four Poisson-Laplace equation. We solve the Four Poisson-Laplace equation for radial solutions, and apart from the Newtonian gravitational component, we obtain four new solutions leading to four new gravitational components capable (in-principle) of explaining e.g. the Pioneer anomaly, the Titius-Bode Law and the formation of planetary rings. In this letter, we focus only on writing down these solutions. The task showing that these new solutions might explain the aforesaid gravitational anomalies has been left for separate future readings.