Low back pain is the most common medical problem and very commonly treated condition with acupuncture today. The pain can arise from muscles, tendons, ligaments, bones or intervertebral discs. The pain is usually in the lower back region, gluteal region with or without radiation in the legs, with muscle tension and stiffness, limited movement or sometimes tingling and burning sensation. In the term of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), pain appears if there is no good Blood and Qi flow in the body. Pain caused by Qi stagnation usually appears due to strong emotional and mental changes and stress. In this research, we included 60 patients, 28 males and 32 females, on age from 18 to 88, all treated with acupuncture for low back pain. All patients were cured with certain number of treatments. Most of the patients needed less than 5 treatments. Treatments were made with normal and fire needle and combined. The best results were achieved with fire needle acupuncture treatment. In the treatment, we used local Ashi i.e. trigger points and meridian points: BL24 (QiHaiSu), BL25 (DaChangShu), BL26 (GuanYanShu), BL27 (XioChangShu), BL28 (PangGuangShu), GB30 (HuanTiao), BL40 (WeiZhong), BL57 (ChengShen), GB37 (GuanMing) and BL60 (KunKun). Acupuncture as a treatment for low back pain is a very effective treatment giving very satisfying and positive results in a short time of period. The percentage of cured patients (relieved of the symptoms) is 100% which is a clear indicator of the success of acupuncture in the treatment of low back pain.