A healthcare-associated infection (defined as an infection acquired within a healthcare facility), such as due to transmission via medical equipment or by healthcare providers is the most frequent adverse event in the healthcare delivery system. But why does the problem persist, when infection control measures are known, simple, and low-cost? We reviewed some biological- and treatment-factors in Part 1, and we now review some human-factors. Healthcare-associated infections are a major public health problem even in advanced healthcare systems. They affect hundreds of millions of patients each year, and are responsible for increased morbidity, mortality, and financial burden. This is perplexing, since good-hygiene practices are known and promoted. Disinfection, sterilization, handwashing, and alcohol rubs should be more effective, but human-factors interfere. The persistent high prevalence of nosocomial infections, despite known hygienic practices, is attributable to two categories of factors: biological and inherent shortcomings of some practices (considered in Part 1), and human factors (considered here). A new approach is considered in Part 3.