Qigong is a part of traditional Chinese medicine. According to the antique treaties, the foundations of traditional Chinese medicine are based in maintaining the harmony between Qi (energy), Jing (essence) and Shen (spirit). Alterations in this harmony can develop and determine the appearance of disease. Therapeutic effects of Qigong are helpful in the prevention and treatment of several diseases. It's main role in restoring body functions is due to the communication between internal organs, tissues and cells. The main goal of this work is to show the efficacy of Qigong in the treatment of a dermatological disease characterized by the appearance of circular or oval patches of missing hair, known as alopecia universalis. For western medicine the exact cause of this illness is not totally revealed, however, it's attributed to psycological, genetics and metabolic alterations. From the traditional Chinese medicine perspective, hair alterations are framed in the area of the water energy, represented by the kidney organ. The results of Qigong treatment suggested that the cranial hair follicles had been activated since the first treatment. As treatment progressed, the cranial hair follicles continued to grow, what's more, the brightness and pigmentation of the hair also increased. Therefore, in the clinical conditions evaluated, Qigong could be an effective alternative treatment in consideration of the visible evidence about rapid and long lasting results. Besides, we did not observe any side effects of Qigong in this case.