Objective: To study cardiovascular cardiac and echocardiographic features in high-level footballers and sedentary women in Bamako. Materials and Methods: This was a cross-sectional study conducted in Bamako from April 2015 to March 2016 among 14 to 35 years old high-level footballers and a group of untrained women. Data including socio-demographic, physical examination, ECG record and echocardiogram was inserted in Microsoft Excel and analyzed with IBM SPSS. Chi Square and Fisher statistical tests were used to compare our results. The significance level was p 0.05. Results: Forty-three female subjects, 51% being sedentary were recruited. Mean age, weight and height were significantly higher in sportswomen than in sedentary women with respectively p of <0.0001, 0.003 and 0.036. Bradycardia was found in sports subjects in 28.6% and sedentary tachycardia in 18.2%. Left ventricular hypertrophy and dilatation and left atrial dilatation were predominant in sportswomen. Conclusion: Bradycardia, left ventricle hypertrophy and dilatation were found more in sportswomen. These changes acquired through physical training are aspects of cardiac adaptation that we found in our sample. Other aspects were not found probably due to the small size of the sample.