Evaluation,especially negative evaluation,is an important element in academic book reviews.Unfortunately,previous studies on evaluation strategies in Chinese and English book reviews are still limited in number.Recently,identity construction has been a hot research issue in various fields of social science.However,few studies have ever been conducted on how book reviewers construct various identities with the use of evaluation strategies.As such,this thesis tries to investigate how the negative evaluation,the most direct face-threatening evaluation,are linked closely to author’ s identity construction in Chinese and English book reviews,how the Chinese and English book reviewers make salient their appropriate identities with the skillful use of discourse strategies so as to avoid possible face-threatening.The present study collects fifteen Chinese and fifteen English academic book reviews as research data.An analysis of the data indicates that while there are similarities,there are also distinctive differences in the use of negative evaluation strategies and author’ s identity construction in Chinese and English book reviews.Specifically,with the use of negative evaluation,four important identities are constructed,namely,the author’ s identities as an authoritative writer,a polite and friendly evaluator,a responsible opinion holder and a kind academic ally.