Bloch oscillations (BOs) were initially predicted for electrons in a solid lattice to which a static electric field is applied. The observation of BOs in solids remains challenging due to the collision scattering and barrier tunnelling of electrons. Nevertheless, analogies of electron BOs for photons, acoustic phonons and cold atoms have been experimentally demonstrated in various lattice systems. Recently, BOs in the frequency dimension have been proposed and studied by using an optical micro-resonator, which provides a unique approach to controlling the light frequency. However, the finite resonator lifetime and intrinsic loss hinder the effect from being observed practically. Here, we experimentally demonstrate BOs in a synthetic frequency lattice by employing a fibre-loop circuit with detuned phase modulation. We show that a detuning between the modulation period and the fibre-loop roundtrip time acts as an effective vector potential and hence a constant effective force that can yield BOs in the modulation-induced frequency lattices. With a dispersive Fourier transformation, the pulse spectrum can be mapped into the time dimension, and its transient evolution can be precisely measured. This study offers a promising approach to realising BOs in synthetic dimensions and may find applications in frequency manipulations in optical fibre communication systems.