Highly significant effects of the environment (E), GxE interaction, and genotypes (G) had been observed by AMMI analysis for wheat genotypes evaluated under restricted irrigated timely sown multi-location trials in Peninsular zone of the country during 2018-19 and 2019-20 cropping seasons. Ranking of genotypes had changed with the number of interaction Principal Component Axes (IPCA’s) included for the calculation of Additive Main and Multiplicative Interaction (AMMI) based as well as Weighted Average of Absolute Scores (WAASB) stability measures. The Superiority indexes while assigning more weights to yield as compared to stability measures pointed out wheat genotypes MACS6695, HI1605, NIAW3170 & MACS6696 would maintain high yield and stable performance for the first year. Adaptability measures as per various averages expressed deviation from other measures and maintained right angle with MASV1 and stability measures. Moreover, the Superiority indexes as per various averages clustered in the same quadrant. Second-year of the study observed MP1358, NIAW3170, NIDW1149, MACS4087 wheat genotypes pointed by Superiority indexes. Adaptability measures as per arithmetic, geometric and harmonic means expressed strong bondage and grouped in a separate quadrant. This cluster maintained the right angle with stability measures and cluster of Superiority indexes as per various averages placed in a different quadrant. Superiority indexes would provide the reliable estimates of genotype performance in future studies in a biplot as considered all of significant IPCA’s.