The uniaxial tensile deformation behavior of a sandwich-like structural TiNb-NiTi composite was inves-tigated by uniaxial tensile test and in situ high-energy synchrotron X-ray diffraction (SXRD).It is found that below 1.2% macroscopic strains,the elastic deformations of the B2,β,B19'and α" phases take place in the TiNb-NiTi composite.During the subsequent loading,the β → α" and B2 → B19'stress-induced martensitic trans-formations (SIMTs) occur within the macroscopic strains of 0.5%-4.2% and the macroscopic strains of 0.7%-6.2%,respectively.At the macroscopic strain of about 4.2%,the outer TiNb layer of the TiNb-NiTi composite experiences a partial fracture,as proved by the disappearance of (040)α"and a sudden jump in the (110)B19'd-spacing caused by load transfer.With further uniaxial tensile deformation,the TiNb-NiTi composite finally fractures at a strain of ~ 6.2%.Our results might provide some valuable information for under-standing the deformation behavior of novel sandwich-like structural shape memory composites in more depth.