Iron-based superconductor,a promising candi-date for high-field applications,has attracted significant attentions.For practical utilization,the superconducting tapes should have high transport critical current density(Jc),low production cost,larger mechanical strength and good homogeneity.In this study,seven-filament Cu/Ag-sheathed (Ba,K)Fe2As2 tapes were fabricated from round and square wires.It is found that the tapes rolled from square wires have a desirable uniformity of filament deformation and distribution,compared with the ones rol-led from round wires.Moreover,the Jc of tape was obvi-ously improved by using square drawing dies instead of traditional round ones.For the tapes rolled from square wires annealed under ambient and 2 MPa by hot pressing,the transport Jc values reached 1.51 × 104 A·cm-2 and 4.86 × 104 A·cm-2 (4.2 K,10 T),respectively.The deformation process on the cross section of the tapes dur-ing rolling was analyzed by using the powder-flow model.These results indicate a potential application of Cu/Ag(Ba,K)Fe2As2 tapes in high-magnetic-field region.