In Foucault's spacial theory, human body, as a unique space unit, is a space unit, and space is the basis of power opera-tion. Therefore, the thesis takes the body as the carrier to explore the relationship between space and power. Space is also existen-tial. Human being is a kind of spatial being, which just leads us to reveal the meaning of"being". The trigger point of the tragedy of Antigone is whether the body of his brother Polyneices should be buried or not. The monarch, Creon, consolidated his throne by punishing the body of Polyneices in the most basic space and not allowing him to be buried. As a result, state-based power was re-sisted, and Antigone was opposed to Creon by strengthening family-based space. The conflict of power causes the tragedy of Anti-gone, and at the same time, it leads to the thinking of"being".