Affibody molecules are small non-immunoglobulin affinity proteins,which can pre-cisely target to some cancer cells with specific overexpressed molecular signatures.However,the relatively short in vivo half-life of them seri-ously limited their application in drug targeted delivery for cancer therapy.Here an amphiphilic affibody-drug conjugate is self-assembled into nanomicelles to prolong circulation time for targeted cancer therapy.As an example of the concept,the nanoagent was prepared through molecular self-assembly of the amphiphilic con-jugate of ZHER2:342-Cys with auristatin E derivate,where the affibody used is capable of binding to the human epidermal growth factor receptor 2(HER2).Such a nanodrug not only increased the blood circulation time,but also enhanced the tumor targeting capacity (abundant affibody arms on the nanoagent surface) and the drug accumulation in tumor.As a result,this affibody-based nanoagent showed excellent antitumor activity in vivo to HER2-positive ovary and breast tumor models,which nearly eradicated both small solid tumors (about 100 mm3) and large established tumors (exceed 500 mm3).The relative tumor proliferation inhibition ratio reaches 99.8% for both models.