In this paper, a 30 GHz wide locking-range (26.2 GHz-35.7 GHz) direct injection-locked frequency divider (ILFD), which operating in the millimeter-wave (MMW) band, is presented. The locking range of the ILFD is extended by using differential injection topology. Besides, varactors are used in RLC resonant tank for extending the frequency tuning range. The post simulation results show that a wide locking-range of 9.5 GHz (30.7%) is achieved. When the VCO output frequency varies from 26.85 GHz to 34.42 GHz, the proposed ILFD can achieve divide-by-two correctly. Designed in 0.13 μm CMOS technology, the ILFD occupies a core area of 0.76 mm2 while drawing 7 mA of current from 2.5 V power supply.