The use of simulation based training in endoscopy hasbeen increasingly described,simulation has the potential reduce the harm caused to patients by novicesperforming procedures,increase efficiency by reducingthe time needed to train in the clinical environment andincrease the opportunity to repeatedly practice rareprocedures as well as allowing the assessment of performance.Simulators can consist of mechanical devices,employ cadaveric animal tissue or use virtual realitytechnology.Simulators have been used to teach upperand lower gastrointestinal endoscopy as well as interventional procedures.This review reviews the currentlyavailable endoscopic simulators,and the evidence fortheir efficacy,demonstrating that the ability of simulators to differentiate between novice and expert endoscopists is well established.There is limited evidencefor improved patient outcome as a result of simulationtraining.We also consider how the environment withinwhich a simulation is placed can be manipulated toalter the learning achieved,broadening the scope ofsimulation to develop communication as well as technical skills.Finally the implications for future practice areconsidered; technology is likely improve the fidelity of simulators,increasing the potential for simulation to improve patient outcomes.The impact of the simulation environment,and the correct place of simulation within the training curriculum are both issues which need addressing.