The study area?is located in the north Tehran, Iran. Calculation of transverse topographic symmetry factor (T) is suitable for rapid assessment of active tectonics. Therefore, transverse topographic symmetry factors have?beencalculated for the Darakeh stream. The study area is located in the Tehran Piedmont and transverse topographic symmetry factor?is calculated for it. Based on values of this index, there is high relative tectonic activity level. This condition can be related to existence of a blind north-south striking fault which it may be buried by alluvium of the Darakeh stream. Dendritic drainage pattern of Darakeh stream and the fact that the western tributaries are longer than the eastern tributaries provide indirect evidence of ground tilting toward the east. Also, based on our results, most part of the study area have got high tectonic activity that it is compatible with its tectonic setting on the Tehran in north Iran.