A novel approach for fabricating a CNT/AlSi composite with the self-aligned nacre-like architecture by cold spraying
A novel approach for fabricating a CNT/AlSi composite with the self-aligned nacre-like architecture by cold spraying
A fully dense carbon nanotubes (CNTs) reinforced AlSi matrix composite with the multiscale nacre-like archi-tecture was designed and successfully realized by flake powder metallurgy followed by cold spraying (CS). The nanolaminated and ultrafine-grained structure initially created in the CNT/AlSi flaky powder was perfectly conserved, due to the typical'cold' feature of CS. As discussed based on finite element analysis and single splat observation, self-alignment behavior of the flaky powders during impact also allowed the formation of the microlaminated structure. Hence, the scalable CS technique opens a new avenue for bioinspired material design and fabrication with complex shape.