The article presents the first direct evidence of the influence of supernova flashes on the biosphere. Geochemistry and paleontology have not yet provided convincing data on the life response to disasters in the Milky Way Galaxy. This gap was eliminated through tree ring analysis of bristlecone pine from the Cordilleras responded to seven supernova outbursts in 185-1604 AD. The author used the superposed epoch method to process data at the 11 longest dendrochronologies, based on the results of measurement of annual growth of about 300 trees. The main finding is the growth depression in high-mountain population caused by supernova outbursts lasted for 20 - 30 years after the event. Moreover, in most cases, drastic growth reduction occurred one year prior to the event. In some cases, the annual tree ring increment exceeded the normal range many years after the event, and, consequently, it could be concluded that plant response was associated with the ozone layer depletion.