Objective: To determine the audiometric profile of deafness in our practice. Materials and Methods: Longitudinal prospective study was conducted out in the ENT department and cervicofacial surgery of Gabriel Toure University Hospital in Bamako, we made an exhaustive sampling of all the patients who consulted for hearing loss, tinnitus, vertigo, hiring report, medical expertise and whose deafness was confirmed to tonal audiometry with an age greater than or equal to 15 years. It was spread over 10 months (June 2016 to March 2017). A total of 200 patients were collected. Exclusion criteria were all patients under 15 years of age as well as deafness related to earwax or foreign bodies, and refusal to participate in the study Results: During our study period, 6055 outpatients were admitted out of which 734 patients underwent audiometric testing and 200 patients (3.30%) met our criteria. The male sex was the most represented with a rate of 60%. The sex ratio was 1.5 or 3 men for 2 women. The 15 to 25 age group was the most represented at 37.5%. The average age was 37.18 years old with extremes ranging from 15 to 83 years old. Pupils/students were the most represented with a rate of 29.5%, followed by housewives in 23%, farmers in 10.5% and military in 10%. As antecedent 26% of our patients had a chronic otitis media (OMC), against 23% who had no antecedent otological and 17% had a traumatic antecedent. Bilateral deafness was the most common with a rate of 64.5%. The mode of progressive appearance was the most frequent in 74.5%. As functional signs 46.22% of our patients had a hearing loss associated with tinnitus. Otoscopic examination was pathological in 34.5% of our patients. Mixed deafness was the most common in 43.35%, followed by perception deafness in 32.19% and transmission deafness 24.46%. Mean deafness was the most common with a rate of 48.91%, was severe in 20.22%, mild in 18.31%, deep in 11.47% and cophotic in 01.09%. Asymmetrical curves were the most found in 65.89% of our patients. Conclusion: Deafness is