In this paper, the neural network-based adaptive decentralized learning control is investigated for nonlinear interconnected systems with input constraints. Because the decentralized control of interconnected systems is related to the optimal control of each isolated subsystem, the decentralized control strategy can be established by a series of optimal control policies. A novel policy iteration algorithm is presented to solve the Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman equation related to the optimal control problem. This algorithm is implemented under the actor-critic structure where both neural networks are simultaneously updated to approximate the optimal control policy and the optimal cost function, respectively. The additional stabilizing term is introduced and an improved weight updating law is derived, which relaxes the requirement of initial admissible control policy. Besides, the input constraints of interconnected systems are taken into account and the Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman equation is solved in the presence of input constraints. The interconnected system states and the weight approximation errors of two neural networks are proven to be uniformly ultimately bounded by utilizing Lyapunov theory. Finally, the effective-ness of the proposed decentralized learning control method is verified by simulation results.