Strain engineering is a promising method for tuning the electronic properties of two-dimensional (2D)materials,which are capable of sustaining enormous strain thanks to their atomic thinness.However,applying a large and homogeneous strain on these 2D materials,including the typical semiconductor MoS2,remains cumbersome.Here we report a facile strategy for the fabrication of highly strained MoS2 via chalcogenide substitution reaction (CSR) of MoTe2 with lattice inheritance.The MoS2 resulting from the sulfurized MoTe2 sustains ultra large in-plane strain (approaching its strength limit ~10%) with great homogeneity.Furthermore,the strain can be deterministically and continuously tuned to ~1.5% by simply varying the processing temperature.Thanks to the fine control of our CSR process,we demon-strate a heterostructure of strained MoS2/MoTe2 with abrupt interface.Finally,we verify that such a large strain potentially allows the modulation of MoS2 bandgap over an ultra-broad range (~1 eV).Our control-lable CSR strategy paves the way for the fabrication of highly strained 2D materials for applications in devices.