<正> The original character for“犬”quan(dog)is“(?),”a side view of a dogwith its tail sticking up.“犬”refers to a big dog in ancient China,but laterbecame synonymous with“狗”gou(dog).In former times manyexpressions of modesty contained“犬”,such as“犬子”quanzi(my son)and“犬妇”quanfu(my daughter-in—law).Courtiers referred to themselves as“犬马”quanma(dog and horse),and pledged to offer“犬马之劳”quanmazhilao(literally,labor like a dog and horse)for the emperor.“犬”appears insuch words as“犬齿”quanchi(canine tooth)and“犬牙交错”quanyajiaocuo(jagged).