非英语专业学生的英语写作情况,良莠不齐,令人棘手。如何灵活处理英语写作作者与读者之间的语用距离,保证语用交流有效畅通,耐人寻味。写作当中的语用距离策略使用是否妥当,直接影响着写作绩效。因此,有必要以关联理论分析英语写作中如何使用语用距离策略,且语用距离策略使用与性别之间有无关系,这一研究角度为非英语专业学生英语写作能力的提高具有借鉴意义。The situation of Englishwriting by non-English majors is difficult to handle, with some being good andsome being bad. The flexible processing of pragmatic distance in Englishwriting between authors and readers to ensurethe effective pragmatic communication deserves much thought. The appropriateuse of strategies of pragmatic distance employed in English writing has adirect impact on writing performance. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze howto use relevance theory to interpret strategies of pragmatic distance employed inEnglish writing, and to find out whether there is a certain relationshipbetween the strategic use of pragmatic distance and gender, thus providing a referencefor the research to improve English writing proficiency of non-English majors.