In the present article, the author argues that, in order to base our study on solid ground, it is necessary to consider the formal categories in the functional study of multimodal phenomena, since function must be realized by formal categories. We assume that certain functions in multimodal grammar are more closely related to the nominals than others, such as the participants in the processes. It is also possible to establish certain formal categories on the basis of the medium used and the role it plays in the multimodal communication process. We also assume that a mode, if it is a three strata system, will have a grammar in which it is possible to have nouns or nominal elements as nouns, which are the most stable and tangible category in semiotic systems. We will focus on the study of the nominal category of multimodal grammar in multimodal discourse analysis,andexaminewhetherthere are nominals in a two-level system, and what can be considered nouns or nominals in multimodal grammar in a three-level system. Finally, we will also study the characteristics of the multimodal noun. We hope that the study will shed some light on the development of multimodal discourse analysis and multi-semiotic studies.