It is well known that in the noncommutative polynomial ring in serveral variables Buchberger's algorithm does not always terminate.Thus,it is important to characterize noncommutative ideals that admit a finite Gr(o)bner basis.In this context,Eisenbud,Peeva and Sturmfels defined a map γ from the noncommutative polynomial ring k<X1,…,Xn> to the commutative one k[x1,…,xn]and proved that any ideal J of k<X1,…,Xn>,written as J =γ-1(I) for some ideal I of k[x1,…,xn],amits a finite Gr(o)bner basis with respect to a special monomial ordering on k<X1,…,Xn).In this work,we approach the opposite problem.We prove that under some conditions,any ideal J of k<X1,…,Xn> admitting a finite Gr(o)bner basis can be written as J =γ-1(I) for some ideal I of k[x1,…,xn].