there are many teaching methods in current teaching procedures, such as the whole language teaching method;communi-cative teaching method; cooperation teaching method; situation teaching method; tasked-based teaching method; content-based teaching method;competence-based teaching method multiple intelligence teaching method and other teaching methods. This arti-cle depicts the usage and comparison of the tasked-based teaching methods and situation teaching method in lexical learning in se-nior high language leaching. This article first talks about the definition and feature of these two teaching methods. Then through ob-serving the students using different methods, I aim to compare these two methods in order to find out the similarities and differenc-es between them when students are learning vocabulary. Making further study on the teaching methods, I would like to take good advantage of them in lexical learning in senior high classes in hope that we teachers can inspire students' thinking, arouse their de-sire, active the atmosphere and help them have a better and simpler command of the vocabulary they obtained in the class.