In this paper,we consider a set of new symmetries in the SM: diagonal reflection symmetries Rm*u,vR =mu,v,m*d,e =md,e with R =diag (-1,1,1).These generalized CP symmetries predict the Majorana phases to be α2,3/2 ~ 0 or r/2.Realization of diagonal reflection symmetries implies a broken chiral U(1)pQ symmetry only for the first generation.The axion scale is suggested to be 〈θu,d) ~ AGUT √mu,dmc,s/v ~ 1012[GeV].By combining the symmetries with the four-zero texture,the mass eigenvalues and mixing matrices of quarks and leptons are reproduced well.This scheme predicts the normal hierarchy,the Dirac phase δcP (=) 203°,and |mt| (=)2.5 or 6.2[meV].In this scheme,the type-Ⅰ seesaw mechanism and a given neutrino Yukawa matrix Yv completely determine the structure of the right-handed neutrino mass MR.A u-v unification predicts the mass eigenvalues to be (MR1,MR2,MR3) =(O(105),O(109),O(1014))[GeV].