The preauricular sinus is a common finding in the pediatric population. An unusual case of a preauricular sinus that had as only manifestations recurrent postauricular abscesses is presented. A 13 year-old boy presented to the outpatients department with an infected cystic lesion and a hypertrophic scar below the left earlobe. He was operated 7 times in the past by different surgeons;however the postauricular abscess always recurred. Thorough clinical examination revealed a preauricular pit. The combined excision of the preauricular sinus and the remnants of the postauricular cyst resolved the problem and the patient has been asymptomatic ever since during a two years follow-up. Recurrent postauricular infected cysts may, albeit uncommonly, indicate an aberrant preauricular sinus, and the clinician needs to be aware of this possibility.