A new RF system for a proton linear accelerator named as C-ADS at Institute of Modern Physics (IMP) hasbeen designed and developed to match its related RFQ cavity, which is a quadrilateral four-vane resonator withtwo separate coupling ports and 80 tuners. Its RF system design including mainly all simulation for coupler andtwo-port configuration have also calculated and analysed to be operated in continuous wave (CW) mode with 120kW forward power resulted from the simulated shunt impedance of 45.62 kΩ and accelerating voltage of 65 kV forRFQ resonator, respectively. The design and measurements for the power source, transmission line, two identicalcouplers and power transmission system, even final two-port configuration were finished in the beginning of 2014.Some valuable experiences were accumulated in the original power conditioning and beam experiments on a previousprototype RFQ, which has 560 keV output energy and one-meter size operated by the end of 2013[1]. Until now,on the new RFQ, almost 120 kW CW power have already put into cavity to accelerate 10 mA proton beam, anoverview of the RF system design is to be given, including some specific simulation, even the two-port couplingconfiguration were analysed and evaluated in the paper.