We report observation of dispersion for coupled exciton-polariton in a plate microcavity combining with ZnO/MgZnO multi-quantum well (QW) at room temperature.Benefited from the large exciton binding energy and giant oscillator strength,the room-temperature Rabi splitting energy can be enhanced to be as large as 60 meV.The results of excitonic polariton dispersion can be well described using the coupling wave model.It is demonstrated that mode modification between polariton branches allowing,just by controlling the pumping location,to tune the photonic fraction in the different detuning can be investigated comprehensively.Our results present a direct observation of the exciton-polariton dispersions based on two-dimensional oxide semiconductor quantum wells,thus provide a feasible road for coupling of exciton with photon and pave the way for realizing novel polariton-type optoelectronic devices.