Kano state has distributed about 4,137,464 Long Lasting Insecticide Nets (LLINs) in 2009 being one of the main malariavector control strategy developed by the Nigeria Federal Ministry of Health(FMOH) in line with Roll Back Malaria. The objective of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of LLINs in use, the knowledge, attitude and practicesof some net users inthe Kano metropolis. A Cone bioassay with laboratory reared Anopheles was performed. Knock down after 60 minutes and mortality after 24 hours followed with a 3 minutes exposure were evaluated. A total of 210 households were administered with a structured questionnaire on two hundred and five (205) respondents (97.6%) indicated knowledge about LLINs while five (5) respondents (2.4%) were not aware. Very high and consistent knockdown and mortality in all 5 replicates were found. Respondent still holds some reservation on the use of LLINs, and one hundred and five respondents (54.8%) believed it causes heat. The respondents replied that they did not rely mostly on LLINs, despite their beliefs in the efficacy of it rather. 41.4% of the people that participated in the research still resorted to use of aerosols and 26.2% use smoke screens to prevent mosquito bites. It can be concluded from the findings that respondents were aware of long lasting insecticide net and agreed on its effectiveness against the vector of malaria parasite and other insects, with some having reservations on the use of smoke screens and indoor residual insecticide sprays to prevent mosquitobites. Considering that the nets are expected tobe effective for three years or more years, it is reasonable to conclude that the nets were effective in preventing mosquito bites based on the knock-down and exposure mortality results obtained during this study.