The Y,F,and Ag tridoped TiO2/SnO2 composite nanocrystalline film(YFAg-TS)with prominent pho-tocatalytic performance was prepared by the modified sol-gel method and was characterized by utilizing X-ray diffraction(XRD),differential thermal and thermogravimetric(DTA-TG)analysis,scanning electron microscopy(SEM),transmission electron microscopy(TEM),X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy(XPS),Brunauer-Emmett-Teller(BET)method,ultraviolet-visible diffuse reflectance spectroscopy(UV-vis DRS),and photoluminescence(PL).The XRD and DTA-TG results expose that the YFAg-TS catalyst is a mixed phase consisting of anatase,rutile,and chlorargyrite,which is beneficial to improving the photocatalytic performance of TiO2.The SEM,TEM,and BET results disclose that the YFAg-TS film has smaller nanoparticles,higher specific surface area,and narrower pore size compared with pure TiO2 film.The XRD and TEM results exhibit that a part of yttrium can enter the TiO2 lattice to induce lattice distortion.The XPS results confirm the presence of Y3+state in the YFAg-TS sample,and Y3+ions can act as the trapping site of electrons to expedite the separation of electrons and holes.The UV-vis DRS results reveal that the YFAg-TS film has an obvious absorption edge shift and a narrower bandgap(2.70 eV)compared with pure TiO2 film.The PL results show that the YFAg-TS film has the highest photogenerated electrons and holes separation efficiency and charges transfer efficiency among all samples.The photocatalytic activity of the YFAg-TS was assessed by monitoring the degradation of methyl green and formaldehyde solution.The results manifest that the YFAg-TS film has high stability and excellent photocatalytic performance.The possible synergistic photocatalytic mechanism of YFAg-TS films has been discussed in this paper.