The researcher argues that KH Muhammad Ali Shodiqin or Gus Ali Gondrong,a chairperson of Roudotun Ni’mah Islamic boarding school in Semarang,can be used as an inspiration source to give counseling to Muslim clients with sholawat as sufistic counseling.His Islamic boarding school becomes famous not due to sholawat mafia,but because he is preaching in a way appropriate for youth.The figure of Gus Ali is loved by young people and most of them are street children,“naughty”children,and hoodlums.Gus Ali’s pupils or Santri is also not ordinary children born to ordinary families,but they are“extraordinary”kids,since they can get out of the dark society covering them.Most santris are hoodlums,thugs,ex-gambler,ex-drunkards,and even ex-prostitutes.Everyone receives guidance from Allah SWT so that they can be educated at Roudlotun Ni’mah Islamic boarding school.This may sound quite weird for common people,since the word“Mafia”stands for unifying mind and heart into Sholawat.It is expected that the followers will love to do sholawat,and do sholawat continuously and full of self-consciousness.Members of this community come from various life backgrounds;among them are the youth and ex-thugs.It is hoped that this youngster style sholawat group can attract many people,especially the youth.Thus,young people have a good habit by joining shalawat.