Microstructure evolution and properties of a Cu-Cr-Ag alloy during the continuous manufacturing process were investigated in detail by scanning electron micro-scopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM)in the study.The Cu-Cr-Ag alloy rod with uniform com-positions is fabricated by upward continuous casting technology.Few of the Cr phases are observed in the as-cast alloy.During the continuous extrusion process,the severe shear deformation and the dynamic aging occur.The average grain size of as-extruded alloy is much smaller than that of as-cast alloy.Both fcc and bcc Cr precipitates appear in the matrix.The interaction mode between dis-locations and precipitates can be identified as Orowan bypass mode according to the TEM observations.The overall difference in the yield strength between as-cast and as-extruded Cu-Cr-Ag alloy is attributed to solid solution strengthening,grain refinement strengthening,precipitation hardening and working hardening.