Antonyms are word pairs that are opposite in meaning.In terms of grammatical and semantic functions,antonyms mainly have four uses,namely,defining meanings of words,expressing an opposite idea efficiently,being used for achieving emphasis and being used for analyzing problems and revealing contradiction.An effective application of the characteristics and uses of antonyms in English teaching can not only benefits students in vocabulary memorizing,but also improves their ability to use the language flex?ibly.This essay will mainly discuss the application of antonyms in language teaching and learning from three aspects,i.e.words and phrases,sentences and paragraphs,and texts and contexts.In the level of words and phrases,we mainly apply antonyms for rec?ognizing and remembering words;in the level of sentences and paragraphs,we mainly focus on appreciation and application of ant?onyms for achieving rhetorical effects;in the level of texts and contexts,we will discuss how to apply antonyms to express attitudes and emotions.