We propose a new description of a baryon as a pair of mesons. This description is an extension of the previously proposed description of a nucleon as a pair of pions. The purpose of this article is to show the following two possibilities. The first one is that it shows the qualitative explanation to support our description of a nucleon as a pair of pions and the second one is that it gives the systematic way of estimation of baryon mass not only for light baryons but also for heavy baryons (charm baryons and bottom baryons). Each isospin group is constructed of both baryons and antibaryons. This way of construction is consistent with that of mesons. The results obtained are listed in tables (Tables 1-9). This shows that the generalized Gell-Mann-Nishijima relation equation holds under the condition that the baryon number is 0 and that the obtained masses are fairly good, even for heavy baryons. Our description also yields several examples of baryon decay modes.