Deciphering the Origins of P1-Induced Power Losses in Cu(Inx,Ga1-x)Se2(CIGS)Modules Through Hyperspectral Luminescence
Deciphering the Origins of P1-Induced Power Losses in Cu(Inx,Ga1-x)Se2(CIGS)Modules Through Hyperspectral Luminescence
In this report,we show that hyperspectral high-resolution photoluminescence mapping is a powerful tool for the selection and optimizlation of the laser ablation processes used for the patterning interconnec-tions of subcells on Cu(Inx,Ga1-x)Se2(CIGS)modules.In this way,we show that in-depth monitoring of material degradation in the vicinity of the ablation region and the identification of the underlying mech-anisms can be accomplished.Specifically,by analyzing the standard P1 patterning line ablated before the CIGS deposition,we reveal an anomalous emission-quenching effect that follows the edge of the molyb-denum groove underneath.We further rationalize the origins of this effect by comparing the topography of the P1 edge through a scanning electron microscope(SEM)cross-section,where a reduction of the pho-toemission cannot be explained by a thickness variation.We also investigate the laser-induced damage on P1 patterning lines performed after the deposition of CIGS.We then document,for the first time,the existence of a short-range damaged area,which is independent of the application of an optical aperture on the laser path.Our findings pave the way for a better understanding of P1-induced power losses and introduce new insights into the improvement of current strategies for industry-relevant module inter-connection schemes.